Tools Of Monetary Policy
FED adjusts money supply by changing 1 of the following….
- Setting reserve requirements
- Lending money to banks and thrifts
- Discount rate
- Open Market Operations
- Buying and selling bonds
- Reserve Requirement
- Fed sets amount that bank must hold (fractional reserve banking).
- RR ration is % of deposits banks must hold in reserve (can NOT loan out)
- Open Market Operations
- If the Fed buys bonds- it takes bonds out of the economy and replaces them with money. MS increases.
- Most important and widely used monetary policy
- To increase MS, Fed should buy govt securities
- To decrease money supply, fed should sell govt securities
- Discount Rate
- Interest rate that the Fed charges commercial banks for short term loans.
I really like the setup and structure of your blog. I appreciate that you added the two pictures, as they did further my understanding. The only thing that was quite difficult to understand was the "effect would be" portion of the chart.