Monday, April 10, 2017

Financial Institutions

March 21 2017
Purpose of Financial Institutions:
  1. Store Money
  2. Save Money
    1. Saving account
    2. Checkable Deposits
    3. Money Market account
    4. Checking account
  3. Loan Money

Principal - amount that you borrow
Interest - Price paid for the use of borrowed money
Types of Financial Intermediaries:
  • Commercial bank
  • saving and loans institutions
  • credit unions
  • mutual fund companies
  • finance companies

The financial system
  • Assets: anything of monetary value owned by a person or business
  • Financial asset: paper claim that entitles the buyer to future income from the seller
  • Physical asset: A claim on tangible object (ex: house or car)
  • Liability: requirement to pay money in the future (usually with interest)

Five major financial assets
  1. Loans
  2. stocks
  3. bonds
  4. Loan-backed securities
  5. bank deposits

Interest rates and inflation
Time value of money- A dollar is worth more today than it is tomorrow. You are losing money every second you are not investing it.
  • Future value (FV)- If you invest or lend money to someone it will compound/girl according to the following equation: FV = PV(I+i)^t
  • Present value (PV)- amount of money you need to invest now in order to get some amount in the future. PV= FV/(I+i)^N

Time Value of Money
  • Simple interest formula
    • V= (I + r) ^n • P
  • Compound Interest Formula
    • V= (I +r/k)^nk • P
Where r= nominal interest rate, k= Number of times interest is credited per year, n= years, and V= future value of money

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