Monday, April 10, 2017

New vs. Existing Money

New vs. Existing Money
Single bank can create money by amount of ER
Banking system as a whole can create money by a multiplier of the ER
  • MM•ER = expansion of Money
  • Money multiplier = 1/RR

If initial deposit in a bank comes from the Fed or a bank purchase of a bond or other money out of circulation (buried treasure), the deposit immediately increases money supply.
The deposit can then lead to further expansion of money supply through money creation process.
  • Total change in MS if initial deposit is new money= deposit + money created by banking system.
  • If deposit in a bank is already existing money (already counted), depositing amount does not change MS immediately because it is already counted.
  • Existing currency deposited into a checking account changes only the composition of money supply from coins/paper money to checking account deposits

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