Monday, February 13, 2017


February 9 2017

  • Unemployment is the percent of people in labor force want a job but are not working
  • Labor force = unemployed + employed

Considered employed
  1. Work at least one hour per month
  2. Temporarily absent from work
  3. Part time workers

Not in labor force
  1. Children
  2. Full-time students
  3. Those in mental institution
  4. Those incarcerated
  5. Retirees
  6. Suzy homemakers or stay-at-home parents
  7. Military personnel
  8. Those discouraged psychologically/mentally

Image result for unemployment political cartoons

Formula for unemployment rate = # of unemployed / total labor force x 100
  • 4 to 5% = standard unemployment

Four types of unemployment
  1. Frictional unemployment or temporary unemployment: “in between jobs”. Qualified workers with transferable skills but aren't working.
  • ex:  high school/college students looking for a job
  1. Seasonal unemployment: specific type of frictional unemployment due to time of year and the nature of job
  • Ex: Santa Claus/Easter bunny impersonators
  1. Structural unemployment: changes structure of labor force, makes some skills obsolete. Workers do not have transferable skills. Permanent loss of these jobs is called creative destruction.
  2. Cyclical unemployment: unemployment that results from economic downturns/recession.
  • As demand for goods and services falls, demand for labor falls and workers are fired.

Two types of three unemployment are unavoidable
  • Frictional
  • Structural
    • Together they make up the natural rates of unemployment (NRU). We are at full employment if we have only the NRU.

Frictional + structural = NRU ( 4-5%) - full employment

  • Full employment means no cyclical unemployment
  • Okuns Law: When unemployment rises 1% above the natural rate, GDP falls by about 2%

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