Monday, February 13, 2017


February 6 2017
  • Inflation is a general rise in price level
  • It reduces the purchasing power of money
  • Purchasing power is the amount of goods and services that money buys
    • Ex: it takes two dollars to buy today what one dollar buy in 1982
  • The ideal inflation rate is 2 - 3%

3 causes of Inflation
  1. Printing too much money
  2. Demand- pull inflation (demand pulls up prices)
  • Demand increases but supply stays the same. The result is a shortage driving prices up.
  1. Cost-push inflation
  • Higher production costs increases prices
Inflation formula = current year price index - base year price index / base year price index x 100

Deflation: decline in general price level
  • Disinflation occurs when inflation rate itself the declines
  • The rule of 70 is used to calculate the number of years it will take for the price level to double at any given rate of inflation.
  • Formula = 70 / annual rate of inflation

  • Real interest rate: amount of money borrowed. % increase in purchasing power. (adjusted for inflation)
  • Formula:  nominal interest rate - expected inflation
  • Nominal interest rate: percent increase in money that borrowers pay back to the lender (not adjusting for inflation)

Hurt about inflation
  • Lenders - people who loan out money at fixed interest rates
  • Savers
  • People with fixed incomes

Helped by Inflation
  • Borrowers - people borrow money
  • A business where the price of the product increases faster than the price of resources

Image result for inflation on economy

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