Monday, February 13, 2017

Calculating GDP

Important Formulas to Know

  1. GDP = C + I + G + Xn:  The expenditure approach

  1. GDP = W (wages) + R (rental income) + I (interest income) + P (profits) + S (statistical adjustment): The income approach

  1. Budget Surplus/ Deficit : gov. purchases + gov transfer payments - gov tax collection

  1. Trade Surplus/ Defecit; Exports- Imports

  1. National Income : (Compensation of employees + rental income + interest income + Proprietors income + corporate profits) or (GDP - indirect business taxes - depreciation - net foreign Factor payment )

  1. Disposable personal Income: National income - personal household taxes + government transfer payments

  1. Net Domestic product : GDP- Depreciation

  1. Net national Product: GNP - depreciation

  1. Gross Investment: Net Investment + depreciation

Depreciation: loss of value in capital equipment due to normal wear and tear

Image result for national income formula

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