Thursday, May 18, 2017

Mechanics Of Foreign Exchange (FOREX)

Mechanics Of Foreign Exchange (FOREX)
  • Buying/Selling of Currency
  • Any transaction that occurs in the balance of payments necessitates foreign exchange
  • The foreign exchange rate (e) is determined in the foreign currency markets
  • -exchange rate is the price of a currency-

Changes in Exchange Rates
  • Exchange rates (e) are function of supply/demand for currency
    • An increase in supply of currency will decrease exchange rate of currency.
    • Decrease in supply will increase exchange rate
    • Increase in demand will increase exchange rate
    • Decrease in demand will decrease exchange rate

Appreciation and Depreciation
  • Appreciation of a currency occurs when the exchange rate of that currency increases
  • Depreciation occurs when exchange rate of that currency decrease

Exchange Rate Determinants
  1. Consumer Taste
  2. Relative Income
  3. Speculation

  • Exchange rate is determinant of both exports and imports
  • Appreciation of the dollar causes American goods to be relatively more expensive and foreign goods to be relatively cheaper thus reducing exports and increasing imports
  • Depreciation- relatively cheaper and foreign goods more expensive, increases exports, decreases imports

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