Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 3, 2017
Macroeconomics- The study of economy as a whole

Positive economics: claims attempt to describe the world as is. Very descriptive in nature. Fact-based

Normative economics: claims attempt to describe how the world should be. Opinion based.

Needs vs. Wants
Needs: basic requirements for survival
Wants: desires

Scarcity vs. Shortage
Scarcity: fundamental economic problem that all societies face. How to satisfy unlimited wants with limited resources.
Shortage: quantity demand it exceeds quantity supplied.

Goods vs. Services
Goods: tangible (touchable) commodities. Capital/consumer goods. Capital goods are items used in creation of other goods. Consumer goods are goods intended for use by consumer.

Services: work that is performed for someone. ex: entertainment, getting haircut, etc.

Two Types of Efficiency

  • Productive- Products are being produced in the least costly way. Any point on the PPC
  • Allocative- Products being produced are the ones most desired by society

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